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Town of Newburgh Little League

Registration Information

Our program is for children ages 4 - 16 that live within the league boundaries as approved by Little League Baseball, Inc.  You can also play in our league if you attend a school that is within our boundaries. View the boundary map prior to registering.  If you are unsure on how to do any part of the registration please email us and we will gladly assist you in the process.  Review the age charts at the right to see what "Little League" age your child is.

There are two steps to register to play - 

1.The first step is to click on the Register Button at top right of page. You will need to register for the site and give us the information about your players. You will only have to do this once. Next year just remember your login information and all the information will be there.  When you create an account it should be in the parents name, not the player.  Once the account is created you will add your players to it.
2.The next step is to register for the season. Just follow the steps. Based on the age of your child, the division that they are eligible for will show up. Select the division you want them in and follow the steps through payment. There are two ways to pay, either by credit card or by mail in check.  If you choose check, they will not be registered until payment is received.

Click here to get step by step directions on how to register for the site and for the season.
During the registration process you will be able to choose if you want to be a manager or coach of a team, an umpire, or a board member.  If you choose one of these options you will have to fill in certain information that will allow us to perform a background check. Your social security number is required for this check.  It is mandatory in order for the check to be done.  If you do not want to provide it in the form you will have to notify the league and other arrangements will then be made.  If you do not provide it, you are not eligible to volunteer.  This is a Little League rule

Boundary Map

To find out if you are located within the boundaries of the Town of Newburgh Little League, click on this link and fill in the required information:

League Finder

Age Charts

Click on the link below to see the "Little League" age for your ballplayer:

2025 Season Age Chart for Baseball

2025 Season Age Chart for Softball

2025 Season Age Chart for Challenger 

League Age Calculator

Special Requests

This applies to the following divisions only:

  • T-Ball
  • Instructional

If you would like to make a request to have your child move up/down to a different division than what they are supposed to be in or if you would like them placed with a certain manager/coach, there MUST be an email sent to [email protected] to be considered. Special requests are not guaranteed.  You can also fill in the information when registering your ballplayer

No special requests will be taken after February 28, 2025.

Waiting List

When the open registration for the 2022 season ends, you will have the opportunity to register for the waiting list.  If an opening becomes available you will be contacted.  Once contacted you will have 24 hours to respond.

For more information send an email to the following :

[email protected]